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What is the Call-Maker?

At the beginning the Call-Maker was only an idea which I was excited about, to change the game experience with the hope to even improve it. And to realize this idea, I developed an application.


The LoL Call-Maker is an application which automates formats such as "If I was you..." or "Call is Call". That means not the player comes up with random commands which the other players have to perform anymore.





How does the Call-Maker work?

At the beginning a player creates a so called Call-Set. In this Call-Set are all commands defined, which the player have to perform during a game. You can set many conditions which have to be fulfilled for a call to be valid in a specific moment during the game (For example champion X has to be in the game or summoner spell Y has had to be picked).


Now this player creates a lobby in the League of Legends client, every player opens the LoL Call-Maker and connects to a server. The lobby will be automatically taken over in the application itself. The leader of this lobby can pick a Call-Set of his choice in the settings and at the beginning of the game it will be automatically transferred to all other players.


That's it! Every player will receive calls now during the game!



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